Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This movie is he worst movie I have ever in my life. The movie had so many differences than than the novel. For example, it was all modernized, and it made Edgar look like the bad guy and Heathcliff look like the good guy. This movie had destroyed the plot of the book, by the modernization and the setting of the movie. Why would you modernize the book? It just made the movie lose it's main point about love, and it lost it's power to show the good events in the book. What's with all this stupid music. I hated especially when Heathcliff became a musician, where did that come from. The acting was very horrible, and they would skip so many parts of the book, even the major parts of the book. It looked like this movie had a VERY LOW BUDGET, and they tried to rush the move just to finish it. All the love going on was very boring and dull, and stop with all this music. If Emily Bronte saw this movie she would probably sue MTV for 1,000,000,000 dollars for ruining her book. Just because it was made from MTV doesn't give them the right to put music, MTV made it like musical with all the music going all around. The main point should be  about the passionate love. Why was Isabella a very snobby rich girl, where did that come from? This movie couldn't even show the chracters personalities, they couldn't even put this dark setting. Instead they put a happy setting on the beach. THIS MOVIE WAS HORRIBLE

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